유후!! I am officially having my holiday, yeah! So should i start with...
Nice Lolipop =P |
So let's talk about the 3 papers first. It's still fine, at lease i was still able to crap something inside. Financial Reporting and Current Issue paper, as usual, still has defeats but finally rectified. And ermmm, Corporate Governance, as usual, predictable questions were out, and this was, i think, perhaps, the most confident paper of all of us; Strategic Planning & Management, as usual, 20 big marks for each question, but it was within the tips, so i guess most of us were still able to answer. So overall, it's an "오키", as what commented by Mr Khor also. LOL.
After 6-Jan, we have officially completed our 2-years advance diploma student life (with the hope that we can pass the exams =D)! Can't really believe time flies so fast but indeed, we are now left with only ACCA! Waiting for graduation ceremony.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I want sunflower this time. =PP
So during the holiday, what am i supposed to be doing??? 흠.... During this weekend, i've already cleared my folders and docs in my laptop and also my pendrive, and also updated my facebook profile, photos and likes. So i am only left with tasks like cleaning my desk and watching vids in my Youtube "Watch Later" List. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I have a lot of videos to watch! 후후후후! My "Watch Later" List is filled with Mblaq, Infinite, Shinhwa, Big Bang, and The Boss vids. I guess i need to spend quite a long time to finish watching these 50+ videos. (And for your info, these 50+ videos are only the FIRST part of the show. @@)
Okay, i guess at later time my blog will be filled with the feeling of me finish watching the vids. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I now have had a great thought about WooGyu 우규 love referred by Inspirits. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Will update about this later. =P
지금까지, that's what i've done so far. About other updates, 기대 주새요! 후후!
Jan 09, 2012