I am at home studying now because all my friends are not gathering together for revision. So i started my life on revision plus facebook, and perhaps blog. =) Well, it is quite expected that i switch on my laptop every morning as soon as i wake up and sit in front for a while (perhaps 1 hour, which is actually NOT A WHILE), and have my breakfast plus reading newspaper, another one hour passed. The problem is before these, i lay on bed for another hour, just because of lazy. =( I am such not motivated nowadays, i feel that just a few days before, i still manage to wake up at 7 because of appointment with friends. So my conclusion is, i really need someone to push me. =D
Anyway, don't think that i have wasted my time, i do study. =) The thing is, i realized that i can't memorize everything in advance syllabus. I mean, it is really crazy to memorize EVERYTHING because it is A LOT. Besides, the questions, based on pass year, are not really direct questions that you can answer by pouring out what you have memorized. So this fact actually motivates me to persuade myself NOT TO MEMORIZE. So i don't really memorize AFA except for some important facts. On these three days, hence, i have not realized much improvement in my "knowledge" tank. There is uncertainty in my mind and i am quite doubtful whether i can really answer the questions. But it's alright, since i have decided not to memorize and there is insufficiency of time for me to regret for my decision, i shall just let it go. =D
Tomorrow i shall start my MIS revision, and i don't really know what to revise because the syllabus is so wide! MIS is the one giving me most headaches besides Audit. I now feel that i really like English subjects as i can study on Friday and take the exam on Saturday!
Went to some blogs motivating my friends to study smart and wishing them the best. I also hope for the best for myself. Someone did ask me whether i want to get another flat in my advance life. I mean, wow, this is such a great dream and i did dream before, but i dare not even think and plan about it. I mean, it's surely nice to get results with flying colours right? So this is what i dream. But it surely has its difficulties too! You must give up something like facebook, movies, redbox, chit-chat, blogging, lazy time, etc. which i can't make it, and even if i can, it still doesn't guarantee the flat. So this is what i dare not even think and plan. 'Cause i've learnt one thing - if you put high hope, and if you don't get it, you'll be in great depress. So i won't hope for anything higher than my own ability. By now, i guess my ability is, perhaps, 3.75??
But actually i don't really have any aim, be honest, from UPSR until now. People said no aim no pressure, but actually it's wrong. My pressure come from myself. I don't have aim but i have a characteristics that i will force myself to study if i think i am ABLE to STUDY it. This was what i did when i was taking SPM Sejarah. It made me cry almost everyday for a certain period. Anyway, this nightmare is over, and i am really happy in college.
So i don;'t have aim, be serious, but i plan my study according to my ability, so there is pressure as well. It was even worse last time until Gino told me "Don't be too stubborn and ask for everything to be perfect. You should sometimes give up something to make your life easier". This is nice. Until now i still wanna thank him "Muacks Muacks Muacks" =D
So i wanna say - I AM NOT PERFECT, so my result need not be perfect; but if it is, then will be the best. =D (persuading myself and finding excuses for not getting good results.=D)

Phew! Luckily my books aren't that much! =D
August 25, 2010