I was once attracted to this Singapore Drama. If you know me well, you'll know that i don't like Singapore dramas. But i was addicted to this very different Singapore drama. Instead of family matters, it presents something like ethical dilemma about beauty.

There are two doctors, plastic surgeon and psychologist. Plastic surgeon believes that beauty can be "made", as there is no ugly people but only poor people (who are not willing to achieve beauty using money). He believes that he has helped a lot of people achieving what so called "Beauty" through his knife. So he is very proud of himself. However, his thought starts to twist when he meets this psychologist, who believes only inner beauty is the true beauty, beauty cannot be "made". This two people with different thought manage to get together finally. How? Haha you can't know unless you watch it.
" 學會接受自己的不完美,就是一切完美。"
Perhaps i should learn this as well.
Thanks to this drama and ntv7 for introducing "completeness" to me. =D
October 1, 2010