Sometimes before now, i had the same thought as those people that i feel locally made things are always worse than imported. However, i realized that this concept can only be applied on certain items, and discovered that my thought was really shallow and childish!
It's certainly not necessary that only action movies which involve huge budget are the movies that worth watching. Please look at 2012, it has been chosen as one of the 10 most ridiculous movies in the world! Comedy can also be a very great movie, like The Social Network. I guess everyone of us has seen the success recently.
Same theory goes. It's definitely not necessary that the best movies must be from overseas, though majority of them seem so. The problem is just we don't see western failure movies here because all of those shown in cinema are the successful one. Whereas for local movies, it caught the attention of local media and the media gets all the news reported no matter it is a success or failure. So we will get the impression that local movies are worse because we see the failure. Please look at Ice Kacang Puppy Love, in case if you don't know this, it has become one of the 10 best movies in the world. Come on, what 2012 that you love so much gets? And what Ice Kacang Puppy Love from the industry that you don't really support gets?
I really feel annoyed when i heard people saying that he/she doesn't really like to watch local movies. To those who always thinks that overseas things (especially movies) are always better, please admit that you're so childish and shallow to have such thought. A good movie is just like good music, it is boundary-less. It doesn't matter where it comes from, as long as it is good, it is worth watching.

We always say the promotion of local artist isn't enough, so because of this, they need our support more than others. Please open your eyes - instead of supporting those 'rotten apples' which are only wrapped by beautiful packages, look at those with real talent but seldom get a chance to present themselves.
January 24, 2011