When you have different thought on the same matter, the more you discuss the more likely you will end up fighting. It's just that sometimes we will still insist that we are right, and people don't see things from the other angle like us.
However, i just suddenly realize that if i keep on arguing with you, i might be as foolish as you. And furthermore, i need not influence you to follow my thought. So, now, i choose to keep quiet. No point, really no point to fight, as you won't know what i am thinking, forever.
A chinese saying quotes : 話不投機半句多 - now i finally completely understand what this means.
So it's hard to find someone that will really understand me. And now i've met some and i feel really grateful that they appear in my life. I dunno how long this will last, but i can guarantee that i will remember the moment i be with them. Need not mention, they will know who they are. AND they won't come and ask me who i mean. ^^
October 09, 2011