1. Graduating from TARC Advanced Diploma
2. Successfully completed all ACCA professional level papers in 2012
I thought for a moment but i guess these are the two main one. Basically i only think of studying in 2012 as i wish to finish everything in the year. I have already felt myself too old for employment.
I just discovered that working part time during study isn't really a bad thing. Besides gaining account-related experience to compliment ACCA, it is a good way to fill up idle time and to earn money! HAHAZm Now that i step into workforce, i start to recognize the importance of "accumulating" money. =D
Well, if i were to say regrets in 2013, i guess the above would be the major regret of mine for the year. But positive thinking is needed - to fully study ACCA is a good way to ensure full commitment and thus increase the possibility of passing the papers. So after all it is still not that bad. =)
In addition, i am so glad to receive a good news just before i enter into 2013 - I've got a job offer! So officially i would be employed in the year of 2013 (if no changes) and become a fresh employee among the workforce! As for my 2013 wishes, i sincerely hope to
1. Earn and accumulate money (as much as possible =D)
2. Help babe in completing his ACCA (no matter how long it takes =D).
I am a dull and boring person. I only concern about my study/work and my family (including future husband xD). So my goals will all about these. =D
Wish myself all the best!
Found some quotes to encourage myself (and also you - the readers) xD:

And the most is to believe:

Dec 31, 2012