So, after my exams, i have official become an unemployed. xD So this is the time i actively search for a job. Well, probably because i never search for jobs before, i feel very depressed when i see companies rejecting me, and that really adds pressure to me. It makes me feel i am not wanted. So i face a hard time and accelerate my job applications that i apply for all jobs that i feel i can handle the task requirements and that i feel i have a great chance to be selected. Anyway, i am still unemployed now. xD Sigh.
Well, my friends told me that i should actually enjoy my sweet holiday and never get too worry. But i am too unlucky. I am a person who never get satisfied to only sit at home without doing anything. I feel myself get rotten if i am in that situation. Some said this is called unlucky to have no chance to enjoy relaxing life! Hahaz. But seriously, i feel happier if my time is filled with things to do. So what to do? Find job. xD
Okay, update until here. See ya!

Companies have so many applicants! How should i make myself outstanding?
PS: Anyway, as i start attending interviews, i will get less and less pressured. Perhaps interview experience is also a good thing. xD
December 29, 2012